083: Do you supplement with collagen?
Do you supplement with collagen?
Collagen is great, and important, but you SHOULDN’T be counting it toward your protein intake.
I’ve been seeing “collagen protein” bars around, and there’s nothing inaccurate about calling them that, but it seems easily to be misled into thinking they provide all the protein we need at a meal. They don’t.
Many people have asked me why I talk about collagen and non-collagen protein separately, and this episode explains why. Listen in and let me know what you think!
These links are mentioned in the episode:
These links are mentioned in the episode:
The glycine database: https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/glycinedatabase
The glycine podcast: https://masterpass.chrismasterjohnphd.com/courses/mastering-nutrition/47529-049-why-you-need-glycine-a-panel-discussion-1-8-18
The methylation page, where it all fits into context: https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/methylation
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If you'd like to share the public version of this episode with non-Masterpass holders, you can find it here.
4 Lessons